Využití nespecifických peptidů pro proteomickou identifikaci nízkomolekulárních proteinů z ječmene MALDI-TOF hmotnostní spektrometrií
Klíčová slova:
nespecifické peptidy, proteiny, proteomika, ječmen, MALDI-TOF/TOFAbstrakt
Nonspecific peptides were analyzed for proteomic identification of low-molecular-weight barley proteins either by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry involving post-source decay analysis or using a MALDI-TOF/TOF instrument. Identification of low-molecular-weight barley proteins was successfully accomplished by MS/MS analysis of both tryptic and nonspecific peptides in the cases where peptide mass fingerprinting failed. Utilization of nonspecific peptides also increased protein sequence coverage in database searching.